using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace ScottPlot { [Obsolete("ScottPlot.Histogram is now ScottPlot.Statistics.Histogram", true)] public class Histogram { public Histogram(double[] values, double? min = null, double? max = null, double? binSize = null, double? binCount = null, bool ignoreOutOfBounds = true) { throw new NotImplementedException("ScottPlot.Histogram is now ScottPlot.Statistics.Histogram"); } }; } namespace ScottPlot.Statistics { // TODO: This class needs refactoring to improve names. // Use numpy.histogram as a reference: public class Histogram { /// /// Lower edges of bins used to create the histogram /// public readonly double[] bins; /// /// Total number of values in each bin. /// public readonly double[] counts; /// /// Fractional number of values in each bin. /// The total of all values in this array is 1.0. /// public readonly double[] countsFrac; /// /// Cumulative total number of values in each bin. /// The returned array will start near 0.0 and end near 1.0. /// public readonly double[] cumulativeCounts; /// /// Probability density (fraction) for each bin based on the mean and standard deviation of the population. /// The sum of all these values is 1.0 /// public readonly double[] probability; /// /// This is the probability density curve normalized to its peak, so its maximum value is 1.0 /// public readonly double[] countsFracCurve; /// /// Cumulative probability density fraction for each bin /// public readonly double[] cumulativeFrac; /// /// Distance between each bin /// public readonly double binSize; /// /// Population mean /// public readonly double mean; /// /// Population standard deviation /// public readonly double stdev; /// /// Compute the histogram of a set of data. /// Bins are identically sized and evenly spaced. /// /// input data /// manually-defined lower edge of first bin /// manually-defined upper edge of last bin /// manually-defined width of each bin /// resize bins as needed so this number of bins is achieved /// if True, values below min or above max will be ignored public Histogram(double[] values, double? min = null, double? max = null, double? binSize = null, double? binCount = null, bool ignoreOutOfBounds = true) { var population = new Population(values); mean = population.mean; stdev = population.stDev; min = (min is null) ? population.minus3stDev : min.Value; max = (max is null) ? population.plus3stDev : max.Value; if (min >= max) throw new ArgumentException($"max ({max}) cannot be greater than min ({min})"); if ((binCount != null) && (binSize != null)) throw new ArgumentException("binCount and binSize cannot both be given"); double defaultBinCount = 100; double span = max.Value - min.Value; if (binSize == null) { if (binCount == null) binSize = span / defaultBinCount; else binSize = span / binCount; } if (ignoreOutOfBounds == false) { // add an extra bin on each side of the histogram min -= binSize; max += binSize; } bins = BinBySize((double)binSize, (double)min, (double)max); this.binSize = bins[1] - bins[0]; counts = GetHistogram(values, bins, ignoreOutOfBounds); cumulativeCounts = GetCumulative(counts); countsFrac = GetNormalized(counts); cumulativeFrac = GetCumulative(countsFrac); countsFracCurve = population.GetDistribution(bins, false); probability = population.GetDistribution(bins, true); } private static double[] GetNormalized(double[] values) { double[] countsFrac = new double[values.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < countsFrac.Length; i++) countsFrac[i] = values[i] / values.Sum(); return countsFrac; } private static double[] GetCumulative(double[] values) { double[] cumulaltive = new double[values.Length]; cumulaltive[0] = values[0]; for (int i = 1; i < cumulaltive.Length; i++) cumulaltive[i] = cumulaltive[i - 1] + values[i]; return cumulaltive; } public static double[] BinBySize(double binSize, double min, double max) { double span = (double)max - (double)min; int binCount = (int)(span / binSize); double[] bins = new double[binCount]; for (int i = 0; i < bins.Length; i++) bins[i] = i * (double)binSize + (double)min; return bins; } private static double[] GetHistogram(double[] values, double[] bins, bool ignoreOutOfBounds = true) { double binSize = bins[1] - bins[0]; double[] counts = new double[bins.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { int index = (int)((values[i] - bins[0]) / binSize); if (index < 0) { if (!ignoreOutOfBounds) counts[0] += 1; } else if (index >= counts.Length) { if (!ignoreOutOfBounds) counts[counts.Length - 1] += 1; } else { counts[index] += 1; } } return counts; } } }